Dear E4GR Friends:
I try to track news coverage of the MDGs via a Google News Alert, and I have to say there is little in the US press about extreme poverty and the attempts to address it.
Thus I was delighted to see the significant coverage around the book Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, by Pulitzer Prize winning authors Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.

There was a major piece in the New York Times Book Review section a couple of weeks ago:
And last night on Dateline, Ann Curry interviewed Nicholas Kristof and Mukhtar Mai, one of the heroines of the book -- a woman who turned her rape into incredible efforts to build a new society in rural central Pakistan, by building schools for girls. See more on the story here:
Kristof and WuDunn have not only written a book, they are starting a movement for women's rights, and have set up a web page on the movement, here: . The Get Involved section shows some of the many organizations working for women's rights, education, maternal health, stopping sex trade trafficking and more.
Perhaps some of these resources can be helpful to us as we plan our MDG campaigns.
Eleanor Braun